Research and Bibliography | Primatology |
Google Scholar | Primate Info Net |
Web of Science | PrimateLit |
PubMed | Global Mammal Parasite Database |
NLM Catalog | |
ProQuest | |
Phylogenetics and Bioinformatics | Ecological and Biodiversity Informatics |
NCBI, the National Center for Biotechnology Information GenBank | dbSNP | dbVar | SRA |
Dryad Digital Repository |
DarwinCore | |
EBI, the European Bioinformatics Institute | Movebank |
Ensembl Genome Browser | GBIF, the Global Biodiversity Information Facility |
UCSC Genome Browser | GLCF, the Global Land Cover Facility |
TreeBase | BOLD, the Barcode of Life Database |
ITIS, the Integrated Taxonomic Information System | |
USGS EarthExplorer | |
Web and Software | Blogs |
Safari Books Online | Evopropinquitous |
HTML Dog | Monkeyologist |
stackoverflow | The Monkey Matters Blog | | News from Kinda Camp |