We had the enormous privilege of hosting the Ethoinformatics Working Group 2013 meetings at Washington University last month in St. Louis. Sponsored by the National Science Foundation and organized by Tony Di Fiore, Tom Igoe, Jane Phillips-Conroy, and myself, the meetings brought together primate field researchers, data scientists, and Washington University librarians for three days of discussions about database management, data collection, data archiving, and best practices for the future.
Many thanks to all who attended, and to the many folks at Washington University Libraries and the Department of Anthropology who helped with organizing the event.

EWG2013 attendees
(from left to right)
Back row: Maryjka Blaszczyk, Anna Weyher, Shahrina Chowdhury, Christopher Schmitt, Amanda Melin, Peter Henzi, Katharine Jack, Karen Strier, Kara Leimberger, Katie Ortiz, Damien Caillaud, Joseph Orkin, Aaron Addison, Colin Addis, Robyn Overstreet, Bob Sussman, Mike Montague, Chris Shaffer, Crickette Sanz, Beth Archie, Jane Phillips-Conroy, Kelsey Ellis, Katie MacKinnon, Clifford Jolly, Tom Igoe, Cynthia Hudson, Jennifer Moore.
Front row: Rebecca Lewis, Gideon Erkenswick, Louise Barrett, Thore Bergman, Kenny Chiou, Tony Di Fiore, Laura Abondano, Eduardo Fernandez-Duque, Claudia Valeggia (on screen).
Not pictured: Monica McDonald, Chris Freeland.